
Current Tests

Visual Field test

Visual Field test

Based on eye movement perimetry our 26-point visual field test screens the patient’s visual field in 90 seconds per eye. Measuring the saccadic reaction time, an index for detection of glaucomatous visual field defects, our visual field test quantifies the reaction time towards a peripheral target and detects blind spots

Pupil test

Pupil test

Our pupil test, in four sequences of alternating black and white light patters, simultaneously quantifies both direct and consensual pupillary light reflex in order to detect Relative Afferent Pupil Defect (RAPD)

Ptosis test

Ptosis test

Ptosis is a drooping or falling of the upper eyelid and can be one of the first signs of stroke, brain tumour, cancer, neurological disorders or damage to the nerves or muscles supporting the eyelid

Saccade test

Saccade test

Performed during the visual field test our saccade test measures the peak velocity of horizontal, vertical and oblique saccades to early detect potential neurological diseases, such as Parkinson’s disease, dementia or Huntington’s disease

Upcoming Tests

Acuity test

Acuity test

Eye tracking based acuity testing is objective, doesn’t require operational assistance, and takes just 60 seconds

Nystagmus test

Nystagmus test

Nystagmus is a “wobbling eye” due to an involuntary eye movement. Nystagmus prevalence is estimated to be 24 persons in a 10.000 population. Currently there is no objective quantification of nystagmus

Strabismus test

Strabismus test

Eye deviations are manually assessed, and subjectively interpreted. BulbiCAM will quantify the results of horizontal and vertical eye deviations

Cover Test

Cover test

Automated eye deviation tested using eye tracking technology. Patient stimulus allows the measurement of eye positions under single and alternating cover-uncover test

Vergence Test

Vergence test

Automated smooth vergence assessment, using virtually 3D stimulus, gives quantified data for near point of convergence and recovery including near pupil reflex