Impression: Kick-off meeting "a paradigm shift in neuro-ophthalmic care" with Oslo University Hospital
On Wednesday September 15th a kick-off meeting was held at the Eye Research Department of Oslo University Hospital. The kick-off meeting was organized with the aim to inform our clinical partners on the clinical research that will take place at Oslo University Hospital as part of our 14,2 MNOK IPN grant.
Main speakers were Prof. Goran Petrovski, Prof. Emilia Kerty, Prof. Johan Pel & Henrik Skaret.

Prof. Goran Petrovsk speaking on novel technology innovating diagnostics in ophthalmology
Professor Goran Petrovski, leading the Eye Reseach Department at Oslo University Hospital, spoke about the latest technology that is innovating diagnostics in ophthalmology.
As Bulbitech innovates diagnostics in neuro-ophthalmic care Professor Kerty, head of the neurology department, lectured on the topic how eye movement abnormalities can be used to detect both ophtalmological and neurological disorders.

Prof. Emilia Kerty lecturing how eye movements can be used in diagnostics of neurological patients

Amongst the audience that were present: Norwegian Glaucoma Association, Norwegian Society for the Blind, University of South-East Norway (Optometry school), Erasmus Medical Centre, University of Groningen.
The session continued with a lecture from Prof. Johan Pel, Neuroscience. Prof. Pel presented the latest research on slowed saccadic reaction times in seemingly normal parts of glaucomatous visual fields. This groundbreaking research was well received by the audience as it seems glaucoma can be detected earlier than when compared with a traditional perimeter. Obviously more research has to be done, but that was the goal of this kick-off meeting.
The closing presentation was given by ophthalmic nurse Henrik Skaret of Helgeland Sykehuset in Mosjoen, Norway. He emphasized the clinical need for remote diagnostic equipment as there is just one eye doctor present in his hospital and the hospital does not employ a single neuro-opthalomologist. The North of Trondelag is a very remote district and it is therefore that diagnostic equipment with multiple test is of added value for patients and ophthalmic caregivers at Helgeland hospital.